Let The World Breathe

Let the World Breathe
All we do is take
We don’t realize our home needs a break
My home is well kept, cleaned and raked
But our home
Our earth
Is far from neat
Our earth needs a spa day
it should be squeaky clean
But instead of cleaning up
Our home is tearing at the seams
We demand so much
And our earth provides all that we need
All that we ask for
All that we seek
And in return we give nothing
But garbage that litters the ground
We give air quality so bad you’d think we’d be drowned
We choke our oceans in plastic
Fill our air with with toxic gases
Destroy the forests with our chainsaws
And top it off with cement
We shoot animals for fun
The poor creatures have nowhere to run
All we do is take
But in doing so we don’t realize that we forget to give
And if we don’t change things, humans may very well cease to live
For starters our oceans that are filled with plastic
The changes needed to be made are honestly quite drastic
Create all our products but biodegradable
Although factory owners seem quite unpersuadable
If we replace plastic with something more natural
The difference in our world would be fantastical
So for our earth, our home, our place
Let’s make a change with our plastics that fill up our aquatic space
And if we just can do so
And stop our earth’s slow descend, suffocation, inevitable end
We can finally do something that’s well overdue
We can let our world breathe

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